Why We Shouldn't Tell Our Child, "You're Okay!"
How to respond when your child has a minor fall or tumble
“I lost my temper with my child. How do I apologize?"
What to do after losing your temper with your child and why saying, "I'm sorry" is so important
“Why Does My Child Only Listen When I Shout?”
How to get your kids to listen to you without yelling or raising your voice
“Is My Child Spoiled?”
Identifying the signs of a spoiled child and how to prevent your child from becoming “spoiled”
What to Do When You’re About to Lose It on Your Kid
And how to sincerely apologize when you DO lose your temper
What to Do When Your Child Cries Fake Tears
How to respond to crocodile tears and encourage your child to stop the habit of fake crying to get their way
10 Tips to Handle Sibling Jealousy and Rivalry with a Newborn
How to ease conflicts and nurture a healthy and loving sibling relationship between your toddler and their new baby sibling
5 Surprising Ways to Boost Your Child’s Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem
How to help your child see themselves as capable, resilient and self-assured
How to Respond When a Toddler Keeps Asking Why?
Plus why children ask why or the same question on repeat
How to Stop Your Toddler from Hitting
What to do when your toddler hits and how to help them understand why hitting is unacceptable
"Why Does My Toddler Fight Me on Everything!?"
How to avoid power struggles and stop your toddler from constantly fighting with you
How Do I Get My Child to Listen to Me?
Understanding why your child doesn't listen and how to win their cooperation through Positive Discipline
What Our Toddler Eats for Lunch in a Week
A run-through of Lee’s lunches for a week that are in heavy rotation in our household
5 Must-Ask Questions in a Nanny Interview
The most important questions to ask your nanny to find the best hire and fit for you and your family
How to Deal with a Tantrum in Public
Why public tantrums happen and how to handle them when they do occur
How to Be a Supportive Partner During Pregnancy
6 ways to help your expecting partner that goes above giving up drinking during their pregnancy
10 Things to NOT Do During a Tantrum
Avoid these common mistakes that unintentionally make a tantrum worse – plus what to do instead
How to Get Your Toddler to Share
Practical strategies to encourage your toddler to share with their friends and younger siblings

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Whether you are struggling with specific issues or need more support and guidance in how to handle your child’s challenging behavior, a respectful parent coach can help you feel more confident and capable as a parent and disciplinarian. No commitment, pressure or obligation.