About Me

Family portrait for Parenting Style Blog and Coaching

My name is Janice, and I am a mother of two young boys.

When my oldest son turned one, I realized that I was clueless about how to effectively discipline him. What do you do when your toddler has a tantrum? How should you discipline your child? How do you react to their big feelings? As my household felt increasingly out of control, I would swing from being a permissive or total pushover to shouting out of frustration and feeling overwhelmed.

To become a calmer and more confident parent, I decided to train at the Resources for Infant Educarers® (RIE®), a non-profit organization that has pioneered and developed the respectful parenting approach. I became RIE® Foundations: Theory and Observation™ certified and later earned my certificate from the Positive Discipline Association.

In 2020, I launched my blog, Parenting Style, to help other parents learn and practice respectful parenting. Since then, I became a certified parent coach to help more parents calmly and effectively handle the ups and downs of toddler-hood while fostering a strong parent-child bond.

The mission of Parenting Style is to help parents who want to raise children who are happy, independent, and kind. I look forward to connecting with you through the blog, on social media, or in a 1:1 coaching session to share more of the respectful and gentle parenting techniques to empower you in your role as a parent.

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Learn more about how respectful parenting can boost your confidence as a parent and restore calm to your household.