10 Practical Baby Sprinkle Gifts for a Second Child

While baby showers are very common for first-time expectant parents, baby sprinkles (or a baby shower for the second child) are not quite as common. The logic is that baby showers furnish parents with the bulk of the baby gear they need, so baby sprinkle gifts tend to be more modest and highly practical.

Here are ten baby sprinkle gifts that will really help parents with a second baby on the way… 

1. Practical Baby Clothing

I stowed away all of the sentimental clothing Lee wore as a baby, but the one thing I will be lacking with baby #2 is a fresh batch of onesies and socks. Other parents are likely in the same boat with loads of cute denim jackets, lemon-print rompers, and fuzzy booties, but they probably tossed the worn out and spit-up stained onesies. So help them replenish their stock of crisp and simple white onesies, bought in bulk.

2. Fresh Crib Sheets and a Mattress or Mattress Protector

Most parents plan on using the same crib or bassinet that their first-born slept in, but the bed sheets may not have held up as nicely as the crib frame. Refresh the crib’s look and feel with some crisp bed sheets or even a new mattress. 

3. Burp Cloths and Bibs

The protein from milk stains burp cloths an unsightly yellow that remains even after you’ve washed it countless times, so families aren’t likely to save these newborn essentials for the second go-around. A new pack of burp cloths is a fantastic gift that will come in handy from day one with their new baby.

4. Diapers Galore

Another highly practical gift: wet wipes and diapers, diapers, and even more diapers. A giant box of diapers will be deeply appreciated by the expectant parents. If it feels impersonal, you can go the extra mile to wrap it in the shape of a cake or (more simply) include a thoughtful hand-written card.

5. Baby Food Maker

When Lee started on solids, we splurged on the Beaba Babycook baby food maker. It was absolutely worth it, but after a solid year of heavy use, the cooking bowl has yellowed and the water reservoir needs to be descaled more frequently than before. I definitely plan on replacing with baby #2.

6. Baby Bath

While the family likely kept the big ticket baby items (like the car seat, crib, and pack n’ play), the comparatively less expensive essentials like the baby bath or play gym may have been chucked out once baby #1 outgrew its use. Replacing these commonly used and affordable items will be a huge help to a family with another one on the way.

7. Coffee Maker

A little tongue-in-cheek, but this gift will definitely be heavily used by the parents in the first few months… years… decades.

8. An Offer to Babysit the Older Child Out of the House 

Another silly gift but one that overwhelmed parents will adore: a gift certificate for you to babysit their older child away from the house. Whether it’s an afternoon picnic at the playground or a slumber party at your house, taking their eldest out and about will give the parents a much needed break from the double-time parenting. 

9. Stroller Board or New Stroller Seat Cover

A smart and helpful gift is a stroller board, a little scooter or skateboard that clips onto their stroller so the older child can stand and ride with their single stroller. Stroller boards are also known as buggy boards and ride-on boards. (Note: not all strollers can accommodate a stroller board, so double-check with the family on their stroller brand and model before purchasing one.)

10. Stroller or High Chair Seat Cover

Simply replacing the worn out (and, let’s be honest, stained) chassis or seat cover will bring fresh life to the family’s stroller or high chair. It’s also much more economical than replacing the whole stroller. 

For more baby shower gift ideas, check out our blog post here!


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